Thank you for joining our second podcast with our guest, the Rev. David Spann. As a Director of several Department of Commerce Export Assistance Centers across the U.S., David has some fascinating stories to tell about a diverse array of common and not-so-common U.S. export products. David is an authority on the ins and outs of opening global markets for small- to medium-sized U.S. companies. I should know; he supported my export management business for many years.
David grew up in Arkansas, where he graduated from Arkansas State University with a BA in Political Science and then earned a J.D. from the University of Arkansas. David began his career working for an Economic Development District in Hot Springs, Arkansas. From there he joined the U.S. Department of Commerce with progressive assignments in Little Rock, New Orleans, Seattle, and then Memphis. Today, David lives the pastoral life (literally – he currently serves as Associate Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Athens, TN) with his wife of 20 years, Cynthia. We welcome your comments and feedback!
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Your Host - Betsy Olim
Betsy is President of Olim International, a U.S. based export management company.
December 2024